Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

1 year ago
Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

An ongoing commitment that pays off

2021 saw Home Conseil Relocation embark for the first time on a sustainable development approach, thanks to the support of Sami.

In line with our values, notably Quality and Solidarity, this approach has seen us through:

  • Accurately assessing the carbon footprint of our entire value chain.
  • Establishing an ambitious carbon reduction plan, involving not only our internal staff, but also external third parties such as our field consultants.
  • Offsetting the part of our carbon footprint that we have not been able to reduce.

Carbon footprint 2023

This 2023 assessment shows that the efforts put in place in 2021 are beginning to pay off.

Admittedly, our absolute carbon footprint increased significantly in 2022, with an overall footprint of 88 tonnes of CO² (compared with 44 tonnes of CO² in 2021):

Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

However, our carbon intensity (kg of CO² per € of sales) has fallen sharply over the same period, validating our long-term approach to reducing our emissions from 38 kg of CO²/€ of sales in 2021 to 31 kg of CO²/€ of sales in 2022, our best result to date!

Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

The bulk of our carbon footprint continues to be downstream of our value chain.



Another major lesson that validates our approach and our emissions reduction plan is the comparison of our carbon footprint with the rest of Sami's customers, and in particular with other consulting companies:

Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

Similarly, carbon intensity per employee shows a low carbon impact, less than half the sector's median!

Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

In particular, this benchmark shows a low carbon footprint for Home Conseil Relocation, with a carbon intensity of 1.1tCO² per employee, compared with the median of 1.9tCO² and the average of 2.3tCO² per employee in our sector in France.


Going further

These very good results encourage us to keep on doing more and to continue this strong commitment. A strong and renewed commitment.

As we learned walking down the path towards carbon neutrality, this commitment must be a long-term one.

Aware of the impact of our beautiful mobility industry, we want to remain at the forefront of this constant battle, as our CEO, Jeremy Berthoux, explained at the EuRA congress in 2022:

Since his election mid-2023 as a Board Member of the association, Jeremy Berthoux has been instrumental in establishing the 'Sustainability Training' module, aimed at disseminating best practices in sustainable development within our industry.

Additionally, we have implemented our emission reduction plan, which includes:

  • Extended teleworking for our teams
  • The introduction of the Forfait Mobilités Durables (Sustainable Mobility Package) to encourage environmentally-friendly commuting.
  • The introduction of an incentive for our consultants delivering our services with electric vehicles.

All these efforts are implemented at no extra cost to our customers.

At the same time, we are continuing our financial commitment, again without impacting our prices, with the total offsetting of our 2023 carbon footprint.

We are therefore proud to present our Carbon Contribution Certificates.

Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

Home Conseil Relocation pursues its commitment to Sustainable Development in 2023

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