Immigration News – July 2024

4 month ago
Immigration News – July 2024

French immigration figures for 2023 have been published

A summary of statistics on immigration to France for the year 2023, published by the Ministry of the Interior on 27/06/2024:


Visas issued: 2.4 million, an increase of 40.4% compared to 2022 (1.7 million).

Visa applications: 3 million

Visa refusals: 500,000

Main countries of origin for visa holders: China, Morocco, India


Resident Permits

First residence permits issued: 326,954, an increase of 2.5% compared to 2022.

Main reasons: Student, Family based

Main countries of origin for recipients: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia



Irregular migrants leaving the country: 22,704, an increase of 10.7% compared to 2022.



Asylum applications: 167,056, an increase of 7.2% compared to 2022.

Main countries of origin for asylum seekers: Afghanistan, Guinea, Turkey

Decisions granting protection status: 60,892, an increase of 8.2% compared to 2022.



Acquisitions of French nationality: 97,288, a decrease of 15% compared to 2022.

In summary, 2023 saw a significant increase in visas issued (still below pre-Covid levels), a slight increase in first resident permits, and a decrease in naturalizations. Deportations of irregular migrants and asylum applications also increased.


Regularization of foreign workers in "shortage occupations”

Following our news detailing the implementation of the new Immigration Law of January 26, 2024, it is now possible to grant exceptional and temporary regularization to foreign workers employed in professions facing recruitment difficulties, known as "shortage occupations," the list of which is defined by the decree of April 1, 2021, and updated annually.

This measure, provided for in Article 27 of the new law, is currently experimental and will be in effect until December 31, 2026. It is distinct from the "classic" exceptional residence permit, which does not apply to shortage occupations.

To qualify for this new scheme, applicants must prove that they have worked for at least 12 months (whether consecutive or not) during the past 24 months, have been residing in France for at least 3 years, and provide evidence of their integration into French society.

The application for an exceptional residence permit for shortage occupations must be submitted by the applicant using the new form provided by the Ministry of the Interior. The application file must include the following documents:

  • Proof of uninterrupted residence in France for at least three years,
  • Evidence of previous employment in a shortage occupation within the last twenty-four months,
  • Proof of current employment in a shortage occupation,
  • Evidence of social and family integration, and adherence to French lifestyles and values,
  • A sworn statement of non-polygamy,
  • A signed commitment to uphold the principles of the Republic.
  • The application is submitted according to the procedures established by the relevant Prefecture, generally via mail or through the platform.

The Prefect will make a case-by-case decision regarding the regularization of the foreign national in an irregular situation. If approved, the applicant will be issued a residence permit marked "Employee" or "Temporary Worker" for a duration of one year.

At this stage, several Prefectures have updated their websites to specify the applicable procedures, including those in Bouches-du-Rhône, Cher, Côtes-d'Armor, Gironde, Hauts-de-Seine, Hérault, Loire, Oise, and Rhône.


Foreign Services Reform: Launch of the PERSée Digital Tool

Immigration News – July 2024

As part of the experimental program for reforming foreign services (PERSée), the Directorate-General of Foreigners in France has developed a new digital tool to prevent breaches of rights. This innovative system aims to proactively inform foreign users of the upcoming expiration of their residency permits.

Foreign residents who obtained their residency permits through the "digital administration of foreigners in France" (ANEF) will receive alerts via email and SMS reminding them of renewal deadlines. Notifications will be automatically sent twice: first, four months before the residency permit expires, and second, two months and one week before this deadline.

The primary objective of this system is to encourage foreigners to renew their residency permits within the regulatory deadlines, which are between four and two months before expiration, to prevent breaches of rights and reduce the need for temporary documents. In case of late renewal requests, a fine of 180 euros will be applied.

This initiative is part of the overall approach of the Directorate-General of Foreigners in France to improve the efficiency of services and ensure a smooth and regulated management of the legal statuses of foreign residents.

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