Article 59 of the law n°2015-1702 of December 21st, 2015 regarding the Social security funding plan for 2016 deeply changes the Social security registration rules and creates the « Universal Sickness coverage » (« Protection Universelle Maladie »).
Article L. 111-11 of the French Social security code is modified as follows: « The Social security is based on the principle of national solidarity. It ensures the coverage for sickness, maternity, paternity and dependency costs for anyone working or residing in France on a stable and legal basis ».
- People working and residing in France will continue to get the Social security coverage through employment.
- The law removes the concept of an adult beneficiary, i.e. any major person not working and depending on the insured employee. For example: ascendant/spouse/adult child). For those individuals, the registration to the Social security is thereafter possible under the condition of stable and legal residence in France: that is, the residence should be continuous for at least 3 months), and non EU residents should hold a resident permit card, irrespective of any link with an insured employee.
For example, a non-European citizen coming in France for work and accompanied by an ascendant who doesn’t work.
- Before, the ascendant was considered as a beneficiary of the insured employee under very strict conditions only.
- Since January 1st, 2016, the ascendant can ask to be registered with the Social security on a personal basis, thanks to the « Universal Sickness coverage » (« Protection Universelle Maladie »).