Home Conseil Relocation receives a price for its sustainability commitment and its labor relations

2 days ago

Home Conseil Relocation's labor relations and sustainability commitments recognized with an award!


Home Conseil Relocation was awarded a prize at the 4th edition of “Dialogue Social en Action” on October 7, 2024.


Jury's favorite 

Home Conseil Relocation is honored to have received, at the 4th edition of “Dialogue Social en Action”, the “Coup de cœur du Jury” award (jury's favorite), which recognizes both the company's social dialogue process and its commitment to ecological transition.

Photo credit: Nicolas LIPONNE

This prestigious prize was awarded specifically to salute our “Forfait Mobilité Durable” (sustainable mobility package) company agreement signed in September 2022 between company management and CSE member Myriam Jacoud.

This agreement is part of Home Conseil Relocation's wider commitment to carbon neutrality, and enables our entire team to have their home-to-work journeys by “soft” modes (bicycle, car-sharing, electric bike, etc.) financially supported by the company.


Naturally, Myriam Jacoud, the elected CSE member who negotiated the agreement, and our President, Jeremy Berthoux, took to the stage to receive the award, accompanied by current CSE member Oriane Mousset; you can watch the video of their speech here.

The whole team is honored by this distinction, which rewards both the company's strong commitment to carbon neutrality (the introduction of the sustainable mobility package has reduced the proportion of home-to-work journeys in the company's CO² emissions by 50%) and a lively social dialogue based on consultation within the company!

All recipients
Photo credit: Nicolas LIPONNE

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